Source code for gapic.schema.api

# Copyright 2018 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""This module contains the "roll-up" class, :class:`~.API`.
Everything else in the :mod:`~.schema` module is usually accessed
through an :class:`~.API` object.

import collections
import dataclasses
import sys
from itertools import chain
from typing import Callable, List, Mapping, Sequence, Set, Tuple

from google.api import annotations_pb2
from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2

from gapic.schema import metadata
from gapic.schema import wrappers
from gapic.schema import naming as api_naming
from gapic.utils import cached_property
from gapic.utils import to_snake_case

[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class Proto: """A representation of a particular proto file within an API.""" file_pb2: descriptor_pb2.FileDescriptorProto services: Mapping[str, wrappers.Service] messages: Mapping[str, wrappers.MessageType] enums: Mapping[str, wrappers.EnumType] file_to_generate: bool meta: metadata.Metadata = dataclasses.field( default_factory=metadata.Metadata, ) def __getattr__(self, name: str): return getattr(self.file_pb2, name)
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, file_descriptor: descriptor_pb2.FileDescriptorProto, file_to_generate: bool, naming: api_naming.Naming, prior_protos: Mapping[str, 'Proto'] = None, ) -> 'Proto': """Build and return a Proto instance. Args: file_descriptor (~.FileDescriptorProto): The protocol buffer object describing the proto file. file_to_generate (bool): Whether this is a file which is to be directly generated, or a dependency. naming (~.Naming): The :class:`~.Naming` instance associated with the API. prior_protos (~.Proto): Previous, already processed protos. These are needed to look up messages in imported protos. """ return _ProtoBuilder(file_descriptor, file_to_generate=file_to_generate, naming=naming, prior_protos=prior_protos or {}, ).proto
@property def module_name(self) -> str: """Return the appropriate module name for this service. Returns: str: The module name for this service (which is the service name in snake case). """ return to_snake_case('/')[-1][:-len('.proto')]) @cached_property def names(self) -> Set[str]: """Return a set of names used by this proto. This is used for detecting naming collisions in the module names used for imports. """ # Add names of all enums, messages, and fields. answer = { for e in self.enums.values()} for message in self.messages.values(): answer = answer.union({ for f in message.fields.values()}) answer.add( # Identify any import module names where the same module name is used # from distinct packages. modules = {} for t in chain(*[m.field_types for m in self.messages.values()]): modules.setdefault(t.ident.module, set()) modules[t.ident.module].add(t.ident.package) for module_name, packages in modules.items(): if len(packages) > 1: answer.add(module_name) # Return the set of collision names. return frozenset(answer) @cached_property def python_modules(self) -> Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]: """Return a sequence of Python modules, for import. The results of this method are in alphabetical order (by package, then module), and do not contain duplicates. Returns: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]: The package and module pair, intended for use in a ``from package import module`` type of statement. """ answer = set() self_reference = self.meta.address.python_import for t in chain(*[m.field_types for m in self.messages.values()]): # Add the appropriate Python import for the field. # Sanity check: We do make sure that we are not trying to have # a module import itself. if t.ident.python_import != self_reference: answer.add(t.ident.python_import) # Done; return the sorted sequence. return tuple(sorted(list(answer))) @cached_property def top(self) -> 'Proto': """Return a proto shim which is only aware of top-level objects. This is useful in a situation where a template wishes to iterate over only those messages and enums that are at the top level of the file. """ return type(self)( file_pb2=self.file_pb2,, messages=collections.OrderedDict([ (k, v) for k, v in self.messages.items() if not v.meta.address.parent ]), enums=collections.OrderedDict([ (k, v) for k, v in self.enums.items() if not v.meta.address.parent ]), file_to_generate=False, meta=self.meta, )
[docs] def disambiguate(self, string: str) -> str: """Return a disambiguated string for the context of this proto. This is used for avoiding naming collisions. Generally, this method returns the same string, but it returns a modified version if it will cause a naming collision with messages or fields in this proto. """ if string in self.names: return self.disambiguate(f'_{string}') return string
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class API: """A representation of a full API. This represents a top-down view of a complete API, as loaded from a set of protocol buffer files. Once the descriptors are loaded (see :meth:`load`), this object contains every message, method, service, and everything else needed to write a client library. An instance of this object is made available to every template (as ``api``). """ naming: api_naming.Naming protos: Mapping[str, Proto]
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, file_descriptors: Sequence[descriptor_pb2.FileDescriptorProto], package: str = '') -> 'API': """Build the internal API schema based on the request. Args: file_descriptors (Sequence[~.FileDescriptorProto]): A list of :class:`~.FileDescriptorProto` objects describing the API. package (str): A protocol buffer package, as a string, for which code should be explicitly generated (including subpackages). Protos with packages outside this list are considered imports rather than explicit targets. """ # Save information about the overall naming for this API. naming =*filter( lambda fd: fd.package.startswith(package), file_descriptors, )) # Iterate over each FileDescriptorProto and fill out a Proto # object describing it, and save these to the instance. protos = {} for fd in file_descriptors: protos[] = _ProtoBuilder( file_descriptor=fd, file_to_generate=fd.package.startswith(package), naming=naming, prior_protos=protos, ).proto # Done; return the API. return cls(naming=naming, protos=protos)
@cached_property def enums(self) -> Mapping[str, wrappers.EnumType]: """Return a map of all enums available in the API.""" return collections.ChainMap({}, *[p.enums for p in self.protos.values()], ) @cached_property def messages(self) -> Mapping[str, wrappers.MessageType]: """Return a map of all messages available in the API.""" return collections.ChainMap({}, *[p.messages for p in self.protos.values()], ) @cached_property def services(self) -> Mapping[str, wrappers.Service]: """Return a map of all services available in the API.""" return collections.ChainMap({}, *[ for p in self.protos.values()], )
class _ProtoBuilder: """A "builder class" for Proto objects. The sole purpose of this class is to accept the information from the file descriptor and "piece together" the components of the :class:`~.Proto` object in-place. This allows the public :class:`~.Proto` object to be frozen, and free of the setup machinations. The correct usage of this class is always to create an instance, call the :attr:`proto` property, and then throw the builder away. Additionally, there should be no reason to use this class outside of this module. """ EMPTY = descriptor_pb2.SourceCodeInfo.Location() def __init__(self, file_descriptor: descriptor_pb2.FileDescriptorProto, file_to_generate: bool, naming: api_naming.Naming, prior_protos: Mapping[str, Proto] = None): self.messages = {} self.enums = {} = {} self.file_descriptor = file_descriptor self.file_to_generate = file_to_generate self.prior_protos = prior_protos or {} # Iterate over the documentation and place it into a dictionary. # # The comments in protocol buffers are sorted by a concept called # the "path", which is a sequence of integers described in more # detail below; this code simply shifts from a list to a dict, # with tuples of paths as the dictionary keys. = {} for location in file_descriptor.source_code_info.location:[tuple(location.path)] = location # Everything has an "address", which is the proto where the thing # was declared. # # We put this together by a baton pass of sorts: everything in # this file *starts with* this address, which is appended to # for each item as it is loaded. self.address = metadata.Address( api_naming=naming,'/')[-1][:-len('.proto')], package=tuple(file_descriptor.package.split('.')), ) # Now iterate over the FileDescriptorProto and pull out each of # the messages, enums, and services. # # The hard-coded path keys sent here are based on how descriptor.proto # works; it uses the proto message number of the pieces of each # message (e.g. the hard-code `4` for `message_type` immediately # below is because `repeated DescriptorProto message_type = 4;` in # descriptor.proto itself). self._load_children(file_descriptor.enum_type, self._load_enum, address=self.address, path=(5,)) self._load_children(file_descriptor.message_type, self._load_message, address=self.address, path=(4,)) # Edge case: Protocol buffers is not particularly picky about # ordering, and it is possible that a message will have had a field # referencing another message which appears later in the file # (or itself, recursively). # # In this situation, we would not have come across the message yet, # and the field would have its original textual reference to the # message (`type_name`) but not its resolved message wrapper. for message in self.messages.values(): for field in message.fields.values(): if field.type_name and not any((field.message, field.enum)): object.__setattr__( field, 'message', self.messages[field.type_name.lstrip('.')], ) # Only generate the service if this is a target file to be generated. # This prevents us from generating common services (e.g. LRO) when # they are being used as an import just to get types declared in the # same files. if file_to_generate: self._load_children(file_descriptor.service, self._load_service, address=self.address, path=(6,)) # TODO(lukesneeringer): oneofs are on path 7. @property def proto(self) -> Proto: """Return a Proto dataclass object.""" # Create a "context-naïve" proto. # This has everything but is ignorant of naming collisions in the # ultimate file that will be written. naive = Proto( enums=self.enums, file_pb2=self.file_descriptor, file_to_generate=self.file_to_generate, messages=self.messages,, meta=metadata.Metadata( address=self.address, ), ) # If this is not a file being generated, we do not need to # do anything else. if not self.file_to_generate: return naive # Return a context-aware proto object. # Note: The services bind to themselves, because services get their # own output files. return dataclasses.replace(naive, enums=collections.OrderedDict([ (k, v.with_context(collisions=naive.names)) for k, v in naive.enums.items() ]), messages=collections.OrderedDict([ (k, v.with_context(collisions=naive.names)) for k, v in naive.messages.items() ]), services=collections.OrderedDict([ (k, v.with_context(collisions=v.names)) for k, v in ]), meta=naive.meta.with_context(collisions=naive.names), ) @cached_property def all_enums(self) -> Mapping[str, wrappers.EnumType]: return collections.ChainMap({}, self.enums, *[p.enums for p in self.prior_protos.values()], ) @cached_property def all_messages(self) -> Mapping[str, wrappers.MessageType]: return collections.ChainMap({}, self.messages, *[p.messages for p in self.prior_protos.values()], ) def _get_operation_type(self, response_type: wrappers.Method, metadata_type: wrappers.Method = None, ) -> wrappers.PythonType: """Return a wrapper around Operation that designates the end result. Args: response_type (~.wrappers.Method): The response type that the Operation ultimately uses. metadata_type (~.wrappers.Method): The metadata type that the Operation ultimately uses, if any. Returns: ~.wrappers.OperationType: An OperationType object, which is sent down to templates, and aware of the LRO types used. """ return wrappers.OperationType( lro_response=response_type, lro_metadata=metadata_type, ) def _load_children(self, children: Sequence, loader: Callable, *, address: metadata.Address, path: Tuple[int]) -> Mapping: """Return wrapped versions of arbitrary children from a Descriptor. Args: children (list): A sequence of children of the given field to be loaded. For example, a FileDescriptorProto contains the lists ``message_type``, ``enum_type``, etc.; these are valid inputs for this argument. loader (Callable[Message, Address, Tuple[int]]): The function able to load the kind of message in ``children``. This should be one of the ``_load_{noun}`` methods on this class (e.g. ``_load_descriptor``). address (~.metadata.Address): The address up to this point. This will include the package and may include outer messages. path (Tuple[int]): The location path up to this point. This is used to correspond to documentation in ``SourceCodeInfo.Location`` in ``descriptor.proto``. Return: Mapping[str, Union[~.MessageType, ~.Service, ~.EnumType]]: A sequence of the objects that were loaded. """ # Iterate over the list of children provided and call the # applicable loader function on each. answer = {} for child, i in zip(children, range(0, sys.maxsize)): wrapped = loader(child, address=address, path=path + (i,)) answer[] = wrapped return answer def _get_fields(self, field_pbs: List[descriptor_pb2.FieldDescriptorProto], address: metadata.Address, path: Tuple[int], ) -> Mapping[str, wrappers.Field]: """Return a dictionary of wrapped fields for the given message. Args: fields (Sequence[~.descriptor_pb2.FieldDescriptorProto]): A sequence of protobuf field objects. address (~.metadata.Address): An address object denoting the location of these fields. path (Tuple[int]): The source location path thus far, as understood by ``SourceCodeInfo.Location``. Returns: Mapping[str, ~.wrappers.Field]: A ordered mapping of :class:`~.wrappers.Field` objects. """ # Iterate over the fields and collect them into a dictionary. # # The saving of the enum and message types rely on protocol buffers' # naming rules to trust that they will never collide. # # Note: If this field is a recursive reference to its own message, # then the message will not be in `all_messages` yet (because the # message wrapper is not yet created, because it needs this object # first) and this will be None. This case is addressed in the # `_load_message` method. answer = collections.OrderedDict() for field_pb, i in zip(field_pbs, range(0, sys.maxsize)): answer[] = wrappers.Field( field_pb=field_pb, enum=self.all_enums.get(field_pb.type_name.lstrip('.')), message=self.all_messages.get(field_pb.type_name.lstrip('.')), meta=metadata.Metadata( address=address.child(, path + (i,)), + (i,), self.EMPTY), ), ) # Done; return the answer. return answer def _get_methods(self, methods: List[descriptor_pb2.MethodDescriptorProto], address: metadata.Address, path: Tuple[int], ) -> Mapping[str, wrappers.Method]: """Return a dictionary of wrapped methods for the given service. Args: methods (Sequence[~.descriptor_pb2.MethodDescriptorProto]): A sequence of protobuf method objects. address (~.metadata.Address): An address object denoting the location of these methods. path (Tuple[int]): The source location path thus far, as understood by ``SourceCodeInfo.Location``. Returns: Mapping[str, ~.wrappers.Method]: A ordered mapping of :class:`~.wrappers.Method` objects. """ # Iterate over the methods and collect them into a dictionary. answer = collections.OrderedDict() for meth_pb, i in zip(methods, range(0, sys.maxsize)): lro = meth_pb.options.Extensions[annotations_pb2.operation] # If the output type is google.longrunning.Operation, we use # a specialized object in its place. output_type = self.all_messages[meth_pb.output_type.lstrip('.')] if meth_pb.output_type.endswith('google.longrunning.Operation'): if not lro.response_type or not lro.metadata_type: raise TypeError( f'rpc {} returns a google.longrunning.' 'Operation, but is missing a response type or ' 'metadata type.', ) output_type = self._get_operation_type( response_type=self.all_messages[ address.resolve(lro.response_type) ], metadata_type=self.all_messages.get( address.resolve(lro.metadata_type), ), ) # Create the method wrapper object. answer[] = wrappers.Method( input=self.all_messages[meth_pb.input_type.lstrip('.')], method_pb=meth_pb, meta=metadata.Metadata( address=address.child(, path + (i,)), + (i,), self.EMPTY), ), output=output_type, ) # Done; return the answer. return answer def _load_message(self, message_pb: descriptor_pb2.DescriptorProto, address: metadata.Address, path: Tuple[int], ) -> wrappers.MessageType: """Load message descriptions from DescriptorProtos.""" address = address.child(, path) # Load all nested items. # # Note: This occurs before piecing together this message's fields # because if nested types are present, they are generally the # type of one of this message's fields, and they need to be in # the registry for the field's message or enum attributes to be # set correctly. nested_enums = self._load_children( message_pb.enum_type, address=address, loader=self._load_enum, path=path + (4,), ) nested_messages = self._load_children( message_pb.nested_type, address=address, loader=self._load_message, path=path + (3,), ) # self._load_children(message.oneof_decl, loader=self._load_field, # address=nested_addr, info=info.get(8, {})) # Create a dictionary of all the fields for this message. fields = self._get_fields( message_pb.field, address=address, path=path + (2,), ) fields.update(self._get_fields( message_pb.extension, address=address, path=path + (6,), )) # Create a message correspoding to this descriptor. self.messages[address.proto] = wrappers.MessageType( fields=fields, message_pb=message_pb, nested_enums=nested_enums, nested_messages=nested_messages, meta=metadata.Metadata( address=address,, self.EMPTY), ), ) return self.messages[address.proto] def _load_enum(self, enum: descriptor_pb2.EnumDescriptorProto, address: metadata.Address, path: Tuple[int], ) -> wrappers.EnumType: """Load enum descriptions from EnumDescriptorProtos.""" address = address.child(, path) # Put together wrapped objects for the enum values. values = [] for enum_value, i in zip(enum.value, range(0, sys.maxsize)): values.append(wrappers.EnumValueType( enum_value_pb=enum_value, meta=metadata.Metadata( address=address, + (2, i), self.EMPTY), ), )) # Load the enum itself. self.enums[address.proto] = wrappers.EnumType( enum_pb=enum, meta=metadata.Metadata( address=address,, self.EMPTY), ), values=values, ) return self.enums[address.proto] def _load_service(self, service: descriptor_pb2.ServiceDescriptorProto, address: metadata.Address, path: Tuple[int], ) -> wrappers.Service: """Load comments for a service and its methods.""" address = address.child(, path) # Put together a dictionary of the service's methods. methods = self._get_methods( service.method, address=address, path=path + (2,), ) # Load the comments for the service itself.[address.proto] = wrappers.Service( meta=metadata.Metadata( address=address,, self.EMPTY), ), methods=methods, service_pb=service, ) return[address.proto]