Source code for gapic.schema.wrappers

# Copyright 2018 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Module containing wrapper classes around meta-descriptors.

This module contains dataclasses which wrap the descriptor protos
defined in google/protobuf/descriptor.proto (which are descriptors that
describe descriptors).

These wrappers exist in order to provide useful helper methods and
generally ease access to things in templates (in particular, documentation,
certain aggregate views of things, etc.)

Reading of underlying descriptor properties in templates *is* okay, a
``__getattr__`` method which consistently routes in this way is provided.
Documentation is consistently at ``{thing}.meta.doc``.

import collections
import dataclasses
import re
from itertools import chain
from typing import List, Mapping, Sequence, Set, Union

from google.api import annotations_pb2
from google.api import client_pb2
from google.api import field_behavior_pb2
from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2

from gapic import utils
from gapic.schema import imp
from gapic.schema import metadata

[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class Field: """Description of a field.""" field_pb: descriptor_pb2.FieldDescriptorProto message: 'MessageType' = None enum: 'EnumType' = None meta: metadata.Metadata = dataclasses.field( default_factory=metadata.Metadata, ) def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.field_pb, name) @utils.cached_property def ident(self) -> metadata.FieldIdentifier: """Return the identifier to be used in templates.""" return metadata.FieldIdentifier( ident=self.type.ident, repeated=self.repeated, ) @property def is_primitive(self) -> bool: """Return True if the field is a primitive, False otherwise.""" return isinstance(self.type, PythonType) @utils.cached_property def mock_value(self) -> str: """Return a repr of a valid, usually truthy mock value.""" # For primitives, send a truthy value computed from the # field name. answer = 'None' if isinstance(self.type, PythonType): if self.type.python_type == bool: answer = 'True' elif self.type.python_type == str: answer = f"'{}_value'" elif self.type.python_type == bytes: answer = f"b'{}_blob'" elif self.type.python_type == int: answer = f'{sum([ord(i) for i in])}' elif self.type.python_type == float: answer = f'0.{sum([ord(i) for i in])}' else: # Impossible; skip coverage checks. raise TypeError('Unrecognized PythonType. This should ' 'never happen; please file an issue.') # If this is an enum, select the first truthy value (or the zero # value if nothing else exists). if isinstance(self.type, EnumType): # Note: The slightly-goofy [:2][-1] lets us gracefully fall # back to index 0 if there is only one element. mock_value = self.type.values[:2][-1] answer = f'{self.type.ident}.{}' # If this is another message, set one value on the message. if isinstance(self.type, MessageType) and len(self.type.fields): sub = next(iter(self.type.fields.values())) answer = f'{self.type.ident}({}={sub.mock_value})' # If this is a repeated field, then the mock answer should # be a list. if self.repeated: answer = f'[{answer}]' # Done; return the mock value. return answer @property def proto_type(self) -> str: """Return the proto type constant to be used in templates.""" return descriptor_pb2.FieldDescriptorProto.Type.Name( self.field_pb.type, )[len('TYPE_'):] @property def repeated(self) -> bool: """Return True if this is a repeated field, False otherwise. Returns: bool: Whether this field is repeated. """ return self.label == \ descriptor_pb2.FieldDescriptorProto.Label.Value('LABEL_REPEATED') @property def required(self) -> bool: """Return True if this is a required field, False otherwise. Returns: bool: Whether this field is required. """ return (field_behavior_pb2.FieldBehavior.Value('REQUIRED') in self.options.Extensions[field_behavior_pb2.field_behavior]) @utils.cached_property def type(self) -> Union['MessageType', 'EnumType', 'PythonType']: """Return the type of this field.""" # If this is a message or enum, return the appropriate thing. if self.type_name and self.message: return self.message if self.type_name and self.enum: return self.enum # This is a primitive. Return the corresponding Python type. # The enum values used here are defined in: # Repository: # Path: src/google/protobuf/descriptor.proto # # The values are used here because the code would be excessively # verbose otherwise, and this is guaranteed never to change. # # 10, 11, and 14 are intentionally missing. They correspond to # group (unused), message (covered above), and enum (covered above). if self.field_pb.type in (1, 2): return PythonType(python_type=float) if self.field_pb.type in (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18): return PythonType(python_type=int) if self.field_pb.type == 8: return PythonType(python_type=bool) if self.field_pb.type == 9: return PythonType(python_type=str) if self.field_pb.type == 12: return PythonType(python_type=bytes) # This should never happen. raise TypeError('Unrecognized protobuf type. This code should ' 'not be reachable; please file a bug.')
[docs] def with_context(self, *, collisions: Set[str]) -> 'Field': """Return a derivative of this field with the provided context. This method is used to address naming collisions. The returned ``Field`` object aliases module names to avoid naming collisions in the file being written. """ return dataclasses.replace(self, message=self.message.with_context( collisions=collisions, skip_fields=True, ) if self.message else None, enum=self.enum.with_context(collisions=collisions) if self.enum else None, meta=self.meta.with_context(collisions=collisions), )
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class MessageType: """Description of a message (defined with the ``message`` keyword).""" message_pb: descriptor_pb2.DescriptorProto fields: Mapping[str, Field] nested_enums: Mapping[str, 'EnumType'] nested_messages: Mapping[str, 'MessageType'] meta: metadata.Metadata = dataclasses.field( default_factory=metadata.Metadata, ) def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.message_pb, name) @utils.cached_property def field_types(self) -> Sequence[Union['MessageType', 'EnumType']]: """Return all composite fields used in this proto's messages.""" answer = [] for field in self.fields.values(): if field.message or field.enum: answer.append(field.type) return tuple(answer) @property def ident(self) -> metadata.Address: """Return the identifier data to be used in templates.""" return self.meta.address
[docs] def get_field(self, *field_path: Sequence[str], collisions: Set[str] = frozenset()) -> Field: """Return a field arbitrarily deep in this message's structure. This method recursively traverses the message tree to return the requested inner-field. Traversing through repeated fields is not supported; a repeated field may be specified if and only if it is the last field in the path. Args: field_path (Sequence[str]): The field path. Returns: ~.Field: A field object. Raises: KeyError: If a repeated field is used in the non-terminal position in the path. """ # If collisions are not explicitly specified, retrieve them # from this message's address. # This ensures that calls to `get_field` will return a field with # the same context, regardless of the number of levels through the # chain (in order to avoid infinite recursion on circular references, # we only shallowly bind message references held by fields; this # binds deeply in the one spot where that might be a problem). collisions = collisions or self.meta.address.collisions # Get the first field in the path. cursor = self.fields[field_path[0]] # Base case: If this is the last field in the path, return it outright. if len(field_path) == 1: return cursor.with_context(collisions=collisions) # Sanity check: If cursor is a repeated field, then raise an exception. # Repeated fields are only permitted in the terminal position. if cursor.repeated: raise KeyError( f'The {} field is repeated; unable to use ' '`get_field` to retrieve its children.\n' 'This exception usually indicates that a ' 'google.api.method_signature annotation uses a repeated field ' 'in the fields list in a position other than the end.', ) # Recursion case: Pass the remainder of the path to the sub-field's # message. return cursor.message.get_field(*field_path[1:], collisions=collisions)
[docs] def with_context(self, *, collisions: Set[str], skip_fields: bool = False, ) -> 'MessageType': """Return a derivative of this message with the provided context. This method is used to address naming collisions. The returned ``MessageType`` object aliases module names to avoid naming collisions in the file being written. The ``skip_fields`` argument will omit applying the context to the underlying fields. This provides for an "exit" in the case of circular references. """ return dataclasses.replace(self, fields=collections.OrderedDict([ (k, v.with_context(collisions=collisions)) for k, v in self.fields.items() ]) if not skip_fields else self.fields, nested_enums=collections.OrderedDict([ (k, v.with_context(collisions=collisions)) for k, v in self.nested_enums.items() ]), nested_messages=collections.OrderedDict([(k, v.with_context( collisions=collisions, skip_fields=skip_fields, )) for k, v in self.nested_messages.items()]), meta=self.meta.with_context(collisions=collisions), )
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class EnumValueType: """Description of an enum value.""" enum_value_pb: descriptor_pb2.EnumValueDescriptorProto meta: metadata.Metadata = dataclasses.field( default_factory=metadata.Metadata, ) def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.enum_value_pb, name)
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class EnumType: """Description of an enum (defined with the ``enum`` keyword.)""" enum_pb: descriptor_pb2.EnumDescriptorProto values: List[EnumValueType] meta: metadata.Metadata = dataclasses.field( default_factory=metadata.Metadata, ) def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.enum_pb, name) @property def ident(self) -> metadata.Address: """Return the identifier data to be used in templates.""" return self.meta.address
[docs] def with_context(self, *, collisions: Set[str]) -> 'EnumType': """Return a derivative of this enum with the provided context. This method is used to address naming collisions. The returned ``EnumType`` object aliases module names to avoid naming collisions in the file being written. """ return dataclasses.replace(self, meta=self.meta.with_context(collisions=collisions), )
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class PythonType: """Wrapper class for Python types. This exists for interface consistency, so that methods like :meth:`Field.type` can return an object and the caller can be confident that a ``name`` property will be present. """ python_type: type @property def name(self) -> str: return self.python_type.__name__ @utils.cached_property def ident(self) -> metadata.Address: """Return the identifier to be used in templates. Primitives have no import, and no module to reference, so this is simply the name of the class (e.g. "int", "str"). """ return metadata.Address(
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class OperationType: """Wrapper class for :class:`~.operations.Operation`. This exists for interface consistency, so Operations can be used alongside :class:`~.MessageType` instances. """ lro_response: MessageType lro_metadata: MessageType = None @property def ident(self) -> metadata.Address: return self.meta.address @utils.cached_property def meta(self) -> metadata.Metadata: """Return a Metadata object.""" return metadata.Metadata( address=metadata.Address( name='Operation', module='operation', package=('google', 'api_core'), collisions=self.lro_response.meta.address.collisions, ), documentation=descriptor_pb2.SourceCodeInfo.Location( leading_comments='An object representing a long-running ' 'operation. \n\n' 'The result type for the operation will be ' ':class:`{ident}`: {doc}'.format( doc=self.lro_response.meta.doc, ident=self.lro_response.ident.sphinx, ), ), ) @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the class name.""" # This is always "Operation", because it is always a reference to # `google.api_core.operation.Operation`. # # This is hard-coded rather than subclassing PythonType (above) so # that this generator is not forced to take an entire dependency # on google.api_core just to get these strings. return 'Operation'
[docs] def with_context(self, *, collisions: Set[str]) -> 'OperationType': """Return a derivative of this operation with the provided context. This method is used to address naming collisions. The returned ``OperationType`` object aliases module names to avoid naming collisions in the file being written. """ return dataclasses.replace(self, lro_response=self.lro_response.with_context(collisions=collisions), lro_metadata=self.lro_metadata.with_context(collisions=collisions), )
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class Method: """Description of a method (defined with the ``rpc`` keyword).""" method_pb: descriptor_pb2.MethodDescriptorProto input: MessageType output: MessageType meta: metadata.Metadata = dataclasses.field( default_factory=metadata.Metadata, ) def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.method_pb, name) @property def field_headers(self) -> Sequence[str]: """Return the field headers defined for this method.""" http = self.options.Extensions[annotations_pb2.http] if http.get: return tuple(re.findall(r'\{([a-z][\w\d_.]+)=', http.get)) return () @utils.cached_property def flattened_fields(self) -> Mapping[str, Field]: """Return the signature defined for this method.""" answer = collections.OrderedDict() signatures = self.options.Extensions[client_pb2.method_signature] # Iterate over each signature and add the appropriate fields. for sig in signatures: # Get all of the individual fields. fields = collections.OrderedDict([ (f, self.input.get_field(*f.split('.'))) for f in sig.split(',') ]) # Sanity check: If any fields contain a message, we ignore the # entire signature. if any([i.message for i in fields.values()]): continue # Add the fields to the answer. answer.update(fields) # Done; return the flattened fields return answer @property def grpc_stub_type(self) -> str: """Return the type of gRPC stub to use.""" return '{client}_{server}'.format( client='stream' if self.client_streaming else 'unary', server='stream' if self.server_streaming else 'unary', ) @utils.cached_property def idempotent(self) -> bool: """Return True if we know this method is idempotent, False otherwise. Note: We are intentionally conservative here. It is far less bad to falsely believe an idempotent method is non-idempotent than the converse. """ return bool(self.options.Extensions[annotations_pb2.http].get) @property def lro(self) -> bool: """Return True if this is an LRO method, False otherwise.""" return getattr(self.output, 'lro_response', None) @utils.cached_property def ref_types(self) -> Sequence[Union[MessageType, EnumType]]: """Return types referenced by this method.""" # Begin with the input (request) and output (response) messages. answer = [self.input] if not self.void: answer.append(self.output) # If this method has flattening that is honored, add its # composite types. # # This entails adding the module for any field on the signature # unless the field is a primitive. for field in self.flattened_fields.values(): if field.message or field.enum: answer.append(field.type) # If this method has LRO, it is possible (albeit unlikely) that # the LRO messages reside in a different module. if getattr(self.output, 'lro_response', None): answer.append(self.output.lro_response) if getattr(self.output, 'lro_metadata', None): answer.append(self.output.lro_metadata) # Done; return the answer. return tuple(answer) @property def void(self) -> bool: """Return True if this method has no return value, False otherwise.""" return self.output.ident.proto == 'google.protobuf.Empty'
[docs] def with_context(self, *, collisions: Set[str]) -> 'Method': """Return a derivative of this method with the provided context. This method is used to address naming collisions. The returned ``Method`` object aliases module names to avoid naming collisions in the file being written. """ return dataclasses.replace(self, input=self.input.with_context(collisions=collisions), output=self.output.with_context(collisions=collisions), meta=self.meta.with_context(collisions=collisions), )
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class Service: """Description of a service (defined with the ``service`` keyword).""" service_pb: descriptor_pb2.ServiceDescriptorProto methods: Mapping[str, Method] meta: metadata.Metadata = dataclasses.field( default_factory=metadata.Metadata, ) def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.service_pb, name) @property def host(self) -> str: """Return the hostname for this service, if specified. Returns: str: The hostname, with no protocol and no trailing ``/``. """ if self.options.Extensions[client_pb2.default_host]: return self.options.Extensions[client_pb2.default_host] return None @property def oauth_scopes(self) -> Sequence[str]: """Return a sequence of oauth scopes, if applicable. Returns: Sequence[str]: A sequence of OAuth scopes. """ # Return the OAuth scopes, split on comma. return tuple([i.strip() for i in self.options.Extensions[client_pb2.oauth_scopes].split(',') if i]) @property def module_name(self) -> str: """Return the appropriate module name for this service. Returns: str: The service name, in snake case. """ return utils.to_snake_case( @utils.cached_property def names(self) -> Set[str]: """Return a set of names used in this service. This is used for detecting naming collisions in the module names used for imports. """ # Put together a set of the service and method names. answer = {}.union( {utils.to_snake_case( for i in self.methods.values()} ) # Identify any import module names where the same module name is used # from distinct packages. modules = {} for t in chain(*[m.ref_types for m in self.methods.values()]): modules.setdefault(t.ident.module, set()) modules[t.ident.module].add(t.ident.package) for module_name, packages in modules.items(): if len(packages) > 1: answer.add(module_name) # Done; return the answer. return frozenset(answer) @utils.cached_property def python_modules(self) -> Sequence[imp.Import]: """Return a sequence of Python modules, for import. The results of this method are in alphabetical order (by package, then module), and do not contain duplicates. Returns: Sequence[~.imp.Import]: The package and module, intended for use in templates. """ answer = set() for method in self.methods.values(): for t in method.ref_types: answer.add(t.ident.python_import) return tuple(sorted(list(answer))) @property def has_lro(self) -> bool: """Return whether the service has a long-running method.""" return any([m.lro for m in self.methods.values()])
[docs] def with_context(self, *, collisions: Set[str]) -> 'Service': """Return a derivative of this service with the provided context. This method is used to address naming collisions. The returned ``Service`` object aliases module names to avoid naming collisions in the file being written. """ return dataclasses.replace(self, methods=collections.OrderedDict([ (k, v.with_context(collisions=collisions)) for k, v in self.methods.items() ]), meta=self.meta.with_context(collisions=collisions), )